Imagem de capa de Junoplast Cave
Junoplast Cave

Junoplast Cave

Cidade/EstadoBelém / PA

Cheap Lies

Composição: Matheus Brevis, Ruann Magno, Arthur Cunha, Daniel Pinheiro.
Welcome to the end Tell me where you’ve been in these years alone Bodies on your way, nothing was in vain to refuse your death Help me understand, what could you change in these years ago? Blackout on the city We’re stuck in the same cheap lies Show off your own tricks to survive and leave this town We can’t go to the mountains Cause we haven’t figure it out I want to end these same cheap lies Mistakes in your past must return to test your bricks on your wall Remember to forget what you’ve done to get these scars on your road you cannot repair bad things you’ve done to get your own goal Blackout on the city We’re stuck in the same cheap lies Show off your own tricks to survive and leave this town We can’t go to the mountains Cause we haven’t figure it out I want to end these same cheap lies




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