Imagem de capa de Kleytton Herivelto
Kleytton Herivelto

Kleytton Herivelto

Cidade/EstadoParanavaí / PR

Love Is Complicated

Composição: Kleytton Herivelto.
Loving is complicated. It is not just feeling good things. To love is to worry when the person It takes time to get home from work. To love is to take care when the other is sick. Loving is you sharing your biggest fear with someone. To love is to think before acting. Who are you That attracts me so much To the point that I lose the line This is very complicated, I fell in love? I fell in love? Loving is one is next to the other in good and bad times. Loving is a feeling to be felt and lived. To love is to keep the promise To love is to take care when the other is sick. Loving is you sharing your biggest fear with someone. To love is to think before acting. Who are you That attracts me so much To the point that I lose the line This is very complicated, I fell in love? I fell in love? Loving is one is next to the other in good and bad times. Loving is a feeling to be felt and lived. To love is to keep the promise I promise to be faithful, in joy and sadness, Love is complicated Love is complicated Love is complicated




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