Imagem de capa de Kleytton Herivelto
Kleytton Herivelto

Kleytton Herivelto

Cidade/EstadoParanavaí / PR

Try Everything

Composição: Kleytton Herivelto.
Try everything Try everything Try everything Try everything I dreamed about you and you missed me damn well. I woke up with a smile on my face but with an open heart. You don't know how much I want to make you happy, how I love or hear your voice, the way you make me feel, In the “Try everything” Try everything Try everything Try everything Try everything That I always want to dream. At least until it comes true. I want to make you happy, how I love or hear your voice, the way you make me feel, In the “Try everything” Try everything, Try everything Try everything, Try everything




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