

Cidade/EstadoVitória da Conquista / BA


Composição: Liatris.
You look at me and say That I can't let it go It is hard for me to do But I have to say no You can not make it longer I can't breathe this time You have gone the wrong path I will let it go to the end until I am Like the sun Let it burn away And make this body in the air go away Burn away in light Your fingers caress the ash Grey and fine to me I could never make it last You relinquish me But in the end I know I did it for you Like the sun. Let it burn away And make this body in the air go away Fly away with me, it'll remove the grime of you All that I've kept inside I could not retain. I've set fire and lit the pyre… oh, it remains Like the sun Let it burn away And make this body in the air go away Like the sun Let it burn away And make this go away Go away




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