Imagem de capa de Liquid Legacy
Liquid Legacy

Liquid Legacy

Cidade/EstadoBento Gonçalves / RS

Eternal Seas

Composição: Gabriel Bonzanini.
It's time to weigh the anchor The duty calls me Like never called before And maybe it won't call again The wind is by my side The boat is in good order This is my best chance I won't ask for another Whatever is in my reach, it will be done I gather my things, I don't look back I'm ready to the bone At high seas, under a starry sky I've been here before I'll do my best and maybe I will not need To do this anymore The storm forms Poseidon rises Against his strength I can't... Not this time... Now... I'm just waiting for My last heartbeat Alone, adrift again My mission is incomplete At high seas, under closed skies Towards the unknown I wanna know how far I can go Before my end has come At high seas, under closed skies Towards the unknown I wanna know how far I can go Before my end has come At high seas, under a raging storm I keep my trip This is what we have left What there is and what has always been




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