Imagem de capa de Little B. and the Mojo Brothers
Little B. and the Mojo Brothers
Cidade/EstadoMaringá / PR

Tell Them About The Sunshine - Live At Mojo House

Composição: Beatriz Carrocini Colnago, Marco Antônio Rotta Teixeira.
tell them about the sunshine tell them about living free tell them about the good people tell them about it because when you tell them about the sunshine they won't think about the bad things we live in a world of divided universes lying truths and fake gods walking on the streets all we see is pain, but we keep on trying doing all we can tell them about the sunshine tell them about living free tell them about the good people tell them about it because when you tell them about the sunshine they won't think about the bad things we live in a world of divided universes lying truths and fake gods people trying to do what they can, but walking on the street all they see is pain




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