Imagem de capa de lleoscott


Cidade/EstadoItapema / SC

Next 2 You

Composição: Leonardo de Mello Heredia.
Feels like I’m suffocating N I struggle when I breath When I’m next to you if i could hold my breath for just a miniute n take back everything i said and i would just admit it i over did it still regretting all my life decisions i wasnt made to feel love i just hope somebody listens My body’s itchin Im scratchin at the surface of my pain Im sick of diggin Its like I’ll never find a fuckin way Im lost with no direction It’s like I’m stuck out in the rain No connection It’s like I’ll always be the same Feels like I’m suffocating N I struggle when I breath When I’m next to you Feels like I’m suffocating N I struggle when I breath When I’m next to you




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