Locked Side

Locked Side

EstiloHard Rock
Cidade/EstadoMontes Claros / MG

I Just Know

Composição: Locked Side.
I Just Know I woke up, in the night, afraid to have to tell you good bye, and all dreams that I feel, I just want to become it real; 'cause I need a thing that someone ever wished sometime, I need the thing more precious of my life. I don't know if I will fight, I don't know if I will cry, I don't know if I will dream of you tonight. Doesn't matter what I do, doesn't matter if it's not true, I just know that I just need to be with you. I closed my eyes today trying, so, to find some way to believe in my soul, in this life that is so cold. 'Cause I need a thing that, for sure, someone wish all time, I need the thing more precious of my life. I don't know if I will fight, I don't know if I will cry, I don't know if I will dream of you tonight. Doesn't matter what I do, doesn't matter if it's not true, I just know that I just need to be with you. I began to miss someone that is always so fine, and now you are more precious than my life. I don't know if I will fight, I don't know if I will cry, I don't know if I will dream of you tonight. Doesn't matter what I do, doesn't matter if it's not true, I just know that I just need to be with you. I don't know if I will fight, I don't know if I will cry, I don't know if I will dream of you tonight. Doesn't matter what I do, doesn't matter if it's not true, doesn't matter, all that I need is to be there with you.




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