Imagem de capa de Luan Azoubel
Luan Azoubel

Luan Azoubel

Cidade/EstadoSão Luís / MA

My Soul Needs You

Composição: Luan Azoubel.
One more kiss I want to give in you Because my soul Miss you all the time When I see The moon I think in you And I know Easy, you that makes me happy My soul needs you Here by my side Telling me You love me My soul wants you Here by my side Telling me You love me One more life I want to live with you Because you know I think in you all the time I feel this passion is forever And I know Easy, you that makes me happy Easy, you that makes me happy Easy, you that makes me happy My soul needs you Here by my side Telling me You love me My soul wants you Here by my side Telling me You love me




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