- Louvarei288 plays
- Manso e Suave309 plays
- Glória142 plays
- Abandona este mar516 plays
- Rei dos reis504 plays

Listening to Mary Souza is like hearing angels sing; her voice is clear and melodic with excellent definition. On her debut release from Harmony Records Manso e Suave/Suave y Tierno, Souza fulfills a heartfelt dream: "This record is my way to elevate the name of GOD. Of first and foremost importance to me is to share my love for GOD and to give praise for all the blessings he has granted my life. He is my everything and I am happy to be born-again and back with Him".
In 1996, while on tour in New York City, Souza meet Raina Bundy, vice-president and General Manager of Harmony Records. Recognizing Mary's artistic creativity and her devotion to the Lord, Raina invited Souza to join Harmony Records. Mary's Harmony debut was recorded in both her native Portuguese entitled Manso e Suave (Soft and Tender) and in Spanish, Suave y Tierno.
Born and raised in Alagoas, Brazil, Mary has shared the music in her soul since the age of three. Souza was inspired by the musical legacy of both her parents: the noted Rev. Jarbas Tertuliano from Rio de Janeiro who played acoustic guitar; and her mother, Dalva Almeida de Oliveira, who enjoyed singing at the Evangelical Church.
At six years of age, Mary began studying piano and violin while singing in the church choir. Soon thereafter, she joined the renowned Palestrina Choir in Brazil, eventually recording two albums.
At the age of sixteen, Souza recorded her first album Quem sou eu, Quem és tu? (Who am I, Who are you?). The record was a national success in Brazil earning Mary public recognition and propelling the young, charismatic singer to main stages throughout the country. "The First Tour Of Mary Souza Was A Resounding Succes", read the headline of the Brazilian national newspaper, O Globo, which also featured an exclusive interview with the artist.
Her second album, Venha Comigo (Come with Me), included many songs penned by Mary, among them a song she wrote for her young son Reryckson, "Não devo demorar" (I must come back soon). With "Não devo demorar", Souza won first-place honors at the University Festival of Music, a prestigious event where the most talented musicians throughout Brazil come to compete. Later, with "Venha comigo" (Come with Me), Mary won first-place at the Festival of the Song in Rio de Janeiro.
During her twenty-five year career as a singer, composer and producer, Mary's heart was always yearning to sing Gospel music. With a new home at Harmony Records, Souza fulfills her true heart's desire. Even if you do not undertand Portuguese or Spanish, the songs are melodically enchanting; proof that truly is the universal language of the soul.