

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Suicidal Trend

Composição: Menahem.
On a cold and colorless day I write this farewell letter I 'm prepared to leave this world and to end my suffering I'm tired of lies I don't want to suffer anymore My life is a living hell Why should i live? I wish i could see the sun once more wake up with no pain in my soul feel the wind touching me find a reason to live I pick up the bullet that will set me free I leave my memories in the past I 'm afraid but I need to go don't cry for me anymore I feel the cold dominating me The blood boils in my veins time passes by in one second I point the weapon to my own head I wish i could see the sun once more wake up with no pain in my soul feel the wind touching me find a reason to live I hear a voice calling me keeping me from going on a strong light appears I see a man dressed in white He says that he knows me and knows how I feel He shows me the way out A reason to live I see the sun shing in my life My sorrow is gone The Heaven wait for me Jesus showed me the life




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