Marcos Vinicius de Moraes
Cidade/EstadoRibeirão Claro / PR

A Gap On the Door

Composição: Marcos Vinicius de Moraes.
Before you sit down look around Face it all wide and sound Search for a reason don't delay Before you resign find your way Before you sit down look around Face it all wide and sound Search for a reason don't delay Before you resign find your way Before pain hurts deep inside Find a gap where hope resides A gap on the door, nor the last A gap on the door, refresh your past A gap on the door it's always there In the worst of times hope in the air Pay attention change is near Open your eyes to the path so clear Before you're tired before you sway Remember good times from yesterday You're not less don't believe the lie Look around you can touch the sky Before you sit down look around Face it all wide and sound Search for a reason don't delay Before you resign find your way A change, an option, always in your sight In the darkest hour, look for the light Don't close your eyes, don't lose the fight In the worst times you'll find what's right A gap on the door it's always there In the worst of times hope in the air Pay attention change is near Open your eyes to the path so clear A gap on the door it's always there In the worst of times hope in the air Pay attention change is near Open your eyes to the path so clear




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