Mr. Metal

Mr. Metal

Cidade/EstadoBelo Horizonte / MG

Change The World

Composição: Caio Baldini/Gusthavo Baldini.
Come on and show the world what you believe in Come on and change the world that you live in Completely false without a bit of hope Let?s face this world full of pretenders Let´s reach this world so out of range Everything is so wrong, we can´t take it so long Everybody will try buy you And all that you need to do is say no!!! Domination is the rats game Domination Leaders search someone to blame yeah! The Human race has been tamed Manipulation Walking in circles it?s the same The World is our nation Wake up to see a system they are keeping Wake up to see the sold life we´re living Waiting tired and alone, comfortable in home Let?s stop talking and let?s make it real Let?s stop ignoring what has being revealed We will never change this world while we are alone Can we can change the world? would it be a utopia, or have we not done our best we can change the world before we need to change ourselves we can change the world where some have a lot and others are in disgrace we gotta change the world Everybody deserves the same




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