Imagem de capa de Nile Seeds
Nile Seeds

Nile Seeds

Cidade/EstadoPassos / MG

Return To The Light

Composição: LK7, Jovana Singer.
Body stiff but I'm awake The sacred path I have to take I'm ready Glaring in my own demize I can feel the serpents eyes upon me The god of destruction Lurking from the shadows to take my soul Ancient spells protect my soul I'll cross the lakes of fire reach the justice Osiris is calling for me And nothing can stop me to prevail I am courageous and determined to Fulfill my destiny Mighty Ra Open the way for Me to my rebirth What's rightfully mine Roaming in this dark Duat Shining out my inner light I'm not afraid Anymore Upon the waiting of my heart The sacred Scarab on my side protects me Lighter then a feather or heavy in sin The sacred one don't testify against me Protector of my heart be my holy grail Amit is lurking waiting for the scale the time has come to be free And nothing can take it away I'm the king and I'm determined to Fulfill my destiny Mighty Ra Open the way for Me to my rebirth What's rightfully mine




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