Imagem de capa de Nilla DeBrazel
Nilla DeBrazel

Nilla DeBrazel

Cidade/EstadoRecife / PE

Be My Boyfriend

Composição: Nilla.
Be my boyfriend all night I would liket it. Be my boyfriend all the time I would like it. Be my boyfriend all night I would liket it. Be my boyfriend all the time I would like it. Some times I'm thinking of you Boy where are you? I'm sorry I really like you. I'm waiting for something more. It doesn't matter what they say About me and you... This feelings are intense, is true, it's about us. Be my boyfriend I wanna be by your side. I really like you I want you all the time. Be my boyfriend I wanna be by your side. I really like you I want you all the time. Think of you Think of you All the time All the time Think of you Think of you All the time All the time Às vezes eu fico pensando... Garoto onde está você? Escuta! É que tou te amando. E eu preciso te dizer. Não importa a distância Ou toda as barreiras ou onde você estiver. Esse sentimento é tão forte é intenso... E é todo por você. Namora comigo? Quero ser teu namorado Nós dois eu insisto. Namora comigo? Quero ficar do teu lado Bem agarradinhos. Namora comigo? Nós dois bem juntinhos. Quero você, quero você... Think of you Think of you All the time All the time Think of you Think of you All the time All the time Vem, vai! Namora comigo.




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