Imagem de capa de NOAHS


Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

Home Again

Composição: Murilo Brito, Danilo Brito, Bruno Bastos.
One day you said that I'd be yours The more times you've left me The more times you've returned One day you said that you'd be mine The ways that you sing my songs The ways that you looked at me I don't know how many days you've been gone I am sure one day you'll be home again That day you turned your back on me Since you have left me Days have not been the same One day you said that you'd be my girl We've been just half way But you threw it all away I don't know how many days you've been gone I'm sure one day you'll be home again You bring me down with broken promises You turned away 'cause I fucked it up again You bring me down with broken promises You turned away No, you won't be home again




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