Imagem de capa de Northrya


Cidade/EstadoManaus / AM

The Black Sky

Composição: Anderson Martiniano, Gabriel Benitez.
The Black Sky Marchin at nightfall the threat came to us Screams announce: Let the Hunt begin! How much suffering is being caused for nothing but greed?! Spirits with no light, Thats all i can see! Now It is time to try keep my eyes Wide open and face this tragedy. Even If the Night comes, my heart shall not fear While my soul will be wondering: Why us? Why here? (Why are you...) Breaking Codes of honor Raising kingdoms of horror between cries and Flames... Opressors and maniacs, You made the whole sky turns Black Darkness was unchained! Crimes after crimes, so in you should we trust? Ask for mercy and pay for your sins! How much more blood is enough to satiate your need? You should know the Sun is rising right now, right here! (How dare you?) Breaking codes of honor Raising kingdoms of sorrow Bringing death and pain Opressors and maniacs From here there is no way back Youll pay for our shame!




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