Imagem de capa de Old Audrey´s Funeral
Old Audrey´s Funeral

Old Audrey´s Funeral

Cidade/EstadoBelo Horizonte / MG

The Funeral

Composição: Renato Audrey, Old Audreys Funeral.
Why so many people? Confuzed,i don’t know vultures dark coats disputed carnage row murmurs,feigned tears whispers without care i listen to the funeral the Old audreys’ funeral everybody is here but where am i? Always full of people the place fooled time the house scares me this fear that i designed raise ,reveal your soul now tell me really who you are i can see the other side something wicked is calling me the path is open and dragging me i can’t resist ,i can’t win don’t let me go please listen to me don’t let me in, please leave me alone! Now i understand the ropes are coming down the rain wets my coffin in darkness i fall the walk will be long it´s time to say goodbye welcome old Audrey welcome to your funeral dont´let me go please listen to me don’t let me in, please leave me alone! Why so many people? Confuzed,i don’t know vultures dark coats disputed carnage row murmurs,feigned tears whispers without care i listen to the funeral the Old audreys’ funeral




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