Composição: Pedro Farinazzo.One more light fades away
The time has run out
Tired of being one step closer to the edge
Throws himself down the cliff
Where was your hand to help
The time it was most needed?
Its so easy to judge something
When you never felt it on your skin
When everything seems to be lost
Just know that you’re not alone
Don’t focus on the hurt inside
Look to the skies and see the hope
There’s a light where we can rest
Too quick to criticize
The weaknesses of others
But are you really the one
Who can throw the first stone?
It is time for us to leave
The position of the one who condemns
And be on the side of the one
Who shows mercy and compassion
If you could know how hard it can be
Even to just face the reality
Just to accept how things are
To feel alright with your own mind
The pain that’s covered by the deafening silence
The inability to reach out for help
To feel like crying but don’t shed a tear
To feel like there are no options left
The empty smiles covers the sorrows
A disguise of a happy life
The feeling of the blame overtaking
A heavy burden on these shoulders
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.