Composição: Pedro Farinazzo.The darkened sky, the moon so bright
Thoughts remain inside my head
Wondering how things could have been
Was there an easy way out?
Are we too blind to see what’s right in front of our eyes?
Are we right all over the time or sometimes we’re caged in our pride?
Regretting what had happened yesterday
Won’t help getting back in the way
How many times you tried
To hide yourself in a lie?
Trying to disguise the pain
You carry deep inside
Fear only makes you blind
And locks you in a prison cell
Feeling the blame for what happened in the past
Like there wasn’t a new way
When you finally release
From the ties you were once bound
You will finally see
That you were your own prisoner
Just forgive yourself
From everything that is already gone
The past must be left in the past
Giving place for a new day
Now is time to stand again
And carry on
No more regrets
No more pain
Weeping may endure for a night
But joy comes in the morning
Is time to release from what was
Time to born again