Imagem de capa de Perc3ption


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Feeding On Living Blood

Composição: Perc3ption.
God be praised, I’m victorious May God give me heaven? She has taken her own life and soul She cannot be saved She is damned it’s God’s decision Is this my Only reward for church’s defending? I shall rise From my own grave to avenge her With all the Powers I took from the darkness The powers of time Could recognize My empty heart Without her life? Die to your breathing life And be reborn to mine (To your breathing life) Drink and join me in a walk Through the shadows of death Die to your breathing life And be reborn to mine (To your breathing life) Drink and join me in a walk Feeding on living blood There is no life in this body I’m nothing Lifeless, soulless, hated and feared I’m dead To the entire world, I am cursed Curse of my soul live waiting Serve the Lord and I felt betrayed Where is God? I commanded all by his name He forsake My sword drew blood from the Holy Cross I made the pact Can a love be stronger than death?




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