Phillip Long

Phillip Long

Cidade/EstadoAraras / SP

Ballad Of Tom

Composição: Phillip Long.
Hey, tom Good luck in the trial They want to crucify a truly creative mind They want your head on a plate And drink some coke After the freak show After the midnight And fuck your soul Hey, tom Take care in the corner There are many judases looking for a christ They want you head as a decency sign They're gonna wait for you in the bread line Who's your alibi? Who was on your side? Hey, tom You crossed the border Just like your brother did one day The same name, the same fate Two of our heroes in the lion's den Two of our masters in public disgrace Hey, tom Good luck in the judgement They want to crucify a truly creative mind They want your head on a plate And drink some coke After the freak show After the midnight And fuck your soul




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