Imagem de capa de Pierre Simões
Pierre Simões

Pierre Simões

Cidade/EstadoBrasília / DF

Going To The Sun

Composição: Pierre Simões.
What should be the clear measure of the courage of a man in the adventure? What should be the soul quality, needed to face new and greatest challenges? What is the meaning of your life if you do not live your time intensely? What is the meaning of feelings flowing abundantly from your soul? Who knows? Maybe it is there, in the highest cliffs In the green of the forest that floods me In the coldest air which I had breathed in my life. Who knows? It is a gift from God to the human race, The hills, lakes, rivers, landscape, A beautiful view, along the Sun Road Going to the sun, Logan Pass, here let's come, Running on switchbacks Under snow Going to the sun Windy, iced, dangerous, Hairpins turn, everyone, No troubles Going to the sun Jammer bus, red like blood, Much Snow cornice, big drift Too much cold Going to the sun, For the worthy Blackfeet folks, Deity Sour Spirit came, To teach hunting




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