Imagem de capa de Pierre Simões
Pierre Simões

Pierre Simões

Cidade/EstadoBrasília / DF

The Purring Of My Iron Baby

Composição: Pierre Simões.
I have a large stainless steel body, The fuel tank is a stylized drop of water, It have to be big, too big!! People call me Silent Gray Fellow It’s my first name among many others. It's okay for me My blood runs hot on my pistons The engine rumbles fiercely to work hard The gears turn quickly My headlights are strong and sovereign My huge tires are hot and are ready Let's go way There are no places, Where I cannot go, I was made, folks, For any fun, that's cool! I am part, people, Of the free generation, So, Peace and love! Free choice, freedom, and freedom! Purr, my baby! I Snore Like a Beast or a Big Bear Remember, Bad weather is no trouble to me, right. I want to run on the road every moment Ride on me and just accelerate. When you want




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