Find Your Fit Episode #37 Special Guest Brandon Stepanowich (Ultra Athlete)

Find Your Fit | Wellness, Fitness & Nutrition
In episode #37 Kevan talk about, well, himself. He also tells us about a new product created by a New Zealand company that we are excited about, an inflatable Goalball goal. This will make it significantly easier to help the sport grow. Kevanand Jessica remind everyone that there is still time to contribute to the WE Fit 50 Go Fund Me campaign here. She also talks a little about the Pikes Peak Ultra race, which you can read all about in her race report here. WE also thank the sponsors for the WE Fit 50:
National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
Colorado Center for the Blind (CCB)
Jessica and Kevan welcome an amazing athlete, a wonderful person, and a great friend; Brandon Stapanowich. Brandon is a physical therapist and an Ultra Athlete. He has competed in many major events like many of the toughest ultra marathons, Nolan’s 14, a self supported run down the Colorado Trail, and most recently the infamous Barkley Marathon. WE recommend checking out the documentary about the Barkley Marathon on Netflix. Brandon helped to start a chapter of Achilles Internanional in the Colorado Springs area, which pairs able bodied individuals with individuals with various disabilities to encourage and motivate all to participate in various physical activities. You can find out more about Achilles Pikes Peak here. Brandon recounts his “15 minutes of fame,” in which he crawled across the finish line at the Boston Marathon. Check out “The Crawl” here.
For Fit Chat, Jessica discusses how to control inflammation with your diet. Here are links to both anti-inflammatory foods and foods that cause inflammation.
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We would like to thank our generous sponsors for their support in the production of this podcast, the Colorado Center for the Blind, the National Federation of the Blind, and Push Beverages.