Find Your Fit™ Episode #26 Special Guest Joe Shaw

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Jessica welcomes Amber Sherrard (Intern Amber) to the WE Fit Wellness Team. Lowly Intern Amber will be interning at WE Fit Wellness for the next several months, so get used to her voice on the Find Your Fit podcast (aren’t all interns lowly?). Amber is a nutritionist and yoga instructor and will be sharing her knowledge with all of us over the next several months. Amber tells us about how she is adjusting to moving to Colorado Springs to work with the WE Team. She also tells us some of the Some of the outdoor activities she has enjoyed since her arrival in Colorado.

Jessica again, took a few minutes to thank our sponsors:  Push Beverages, the Colorado Center for the Blind (CCB), and the National Federation of the Blind (NFB).

John (left), Joe (center), and Brandon (right) covered in mud after the Warrior Dash race

Kevan and Jess welcome Joe Shaw as the guest for this episode of the podcast. Joe Shaw is a family man, a blind entrepreneur, a fitness activist, and is active in the civic life of Nashville.  You’ve got to learn what Joe means by “bro logic,” and “bro science.” Those were certainly new terms to Kevan! “Know what I mean, bro?”

Joe was a weightlifter, he pumped weights from time to time until he got married, but then the doctor told him that his triglyceride level was absolutely off the charts and he should’ve been dead yesterday. Joe tells us that he runs with Achilles International and has run several half marathons and marathons since he has rededicated to a healthier lifestyle. He also does Crossfit 4 to 5 days per week. Joe also shares with us his steps on his nutrition and exercise journey as he moves to better wellness, not only for him but with and for his family. Joe talks about the importance of balance and we had a great discussion of the book “Standing on One Foot” by Dr. Kenneth Jernigan. The book is a part of the kernel book series published by the National Federation of the Blind in the 1990s and early 2000s. These books read easy and are definitely worth investigating.

For Fit Chat, Jess and Amber talk about some food trends for 2017, including technology in the kitchen like the smart teapot that can adjust the amount of caffeine in your cup, crickets as a source of protein in either cricket flour or protein bars called CROBARS, and lower alcohol consumption with “mocktails.” Jessica tells us why she does 108 Sun Salutations for the New Year. She also tells us what the significance  of the number 108 in the practice of yoga. Amber takes us through a Sun Salutation to complete this episode of Find Your Fit.