First female president of Pennsylvania AFL-CIO shares about role in organization

The Spark
10 de setembro de 2024 21min

The Spark

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The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO is one of the largest labor unions in the state with about 51 affiliates, and 700,000 members. Angela Ferritto is the President of the organization and says there’s unions from almost every sector involved.

We have public sector unions, private sector unions, manufacturing unions. We have building trades unions. We have nursing unions. We have unions that represent workers from airports to hospitals to teachers to clerical workers in the state offices to the construction workers on the side of the road, construction workers erecting buildings, service workers who are fixing age systems. And so, it really spans all sectors and all different professions we represent.”

Ferritto is also the first female president at the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO. Since women make up 50 percent of the workforce, Ferritto believes its important for more women to get involved with the labor movement.

I think that, you know, the importance of it is that women can lend a different voice. We bring a different perspective to the table. We think about things a little bit differently. And so it's really a chance for our voices to be at the forefront and a chance for us to, you know, be, I guess. Role models on models too. To show to show girls and to show, you know, young adults like this is this is what you have the potential to become, and women can do and become anything that a man can.”

Ferritto says Pennsylvania membership is up when it comes to labor unions and offers advice for workers that would like to be represented by a union.

I think that a lot of workers would be surprised to see how unions, how unions function in the workplace really by becoming a voice, but also by building out that relationship. It gives management a chance to hear the workers’ issues and the workers’ needs and therefore make changes to create a better workplace. And everyone knows that happier workers make for better business and better industry. So, I would say embrace it and, you know, maybe even consider being neutral in it.”

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First female president of Pennsylvania AFL-CIO shares about role in organization