Imagem de capa de Primatron


Cidade/EstadoCuritiba / PR


Composição: Primatron.
Dreams fade from memory over time As flowers wither if not tended to We watched our well-being bought and sold With our personal freedoms as excuse Meanwhile in a mansion an investor plans Whether to buy another yacht or close a school And they will take away your rights before you know they're even there 'cause you' re too busy trusting lies With canine anger and bovine stare Rage Simmering To the point We can no longer hold it back Fratricide They misguide Our fury towards ourselves Fooled by fake consensus, the people go About their lives as if it’s all their fault To be crushed under immeasurable debt Financiers and heads of state laugh under their breath And they will take away your rights before you know they're even there 'cause you' re too busy trusting lies With canine anger and bovine stare Rage Simmering To the point We can no longer hold it back Fratricide They misguide Our fury towards ourselves




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