Imagem de capa de Rishkesh


Cidade/EstadoBento Gonçalves / RS

Breathe Again

Composição: Rishkesh.
Until the fire burn all my sins I'll be true To all that I said and all that I didn't have a clue Nothing comes or goes away without harm You give a hand life will always take an arm Most of the times it's hard to see what's beyond Our small existance and our big selves which we respond Until the fire burn all my sins I'll be true To all that I said and all that I didn't have a clue All of my sins will be waiting in the end My time is short and I'll choose how I'll spend Drowning in a lake of sad relations being a liar I'd rather go to hell and feel my soul on fire Breath again for all that's good we must embrace Build what we want to wait us in the future Breath again for all that's bad we must erase And make our path brighter in return I know that I'll never be so satisfied I know that my actions can't be dignified I know that I'll never get to know enough It's just the way of life showing that it's tough Never too late but never enough it never ends One to another everything is given thrown away Until the fire burn all my sins I'll be true To all that I said and all that I didn't have a clue All of my sins will be waiting in the end My time is short and I'll choose how I'll spend Drowning in a lake of sad relations being a liar I'd rather go to hell and feel my soul on fire All of my sins will be waiting in the end My time is short and I'll choose how I'll spend Drowning in a lake of sad relations being a liar I'd rather go to hell and feel my soul on fire




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