Imagem de capa de Roberto Lessa
Roberto Lessa

Roberto Lessa

Cidade/EstadoFortaleza / CE

I Dont Need To Know Your Name

Composição: Roberto Lessa.
You know it’s almost midnight and we are here with two empty pints You know it’s almost midnight and we are here with two empty pints I don't need to know who you are. Believe it! I don’t mind I wanna go home from a long day. So, let's have some fun listening to old tunes I wanna go home from a long day. So, let's have some fun listening to old tunes No questions asked, I promise! Just take off your shoes Maybe you wanna grab another drink before we go to my place Maybe you wanna grab another drink before we go to my place Don’t worry you’ll be safe! I don't need to know your name




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