Roberto A. Compositor

Roberto A. Compositor

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

On The Road

Composição: Roberto Aragon.
On the Road (Adaptação de "Pela Estrada") Roberto Aragon [intro] Tonight the dream is over, this house will miss you, today I know she won't come back, today I know I've lost her love. Tonight I won't stay here my heart is hurting too much, in other arms, in a glass I'll get lost, here I won't come back With no destination, flying down the highway, deceiving myself, that this love, I'm leaving behind, I deceive loneliness, with casual flings, But the longing for her kiss, doesn't want to leave me. Following the road, I don't even want to stop, the cities pass by,... only she doesn't want to pass. I step on the accelerator, to escape this passion, I keep my eyes on the road, and her in my heart. (interlude) I step on the accelerator, to escape this passion, I keep my eyes on the road, and her in my heart. ---- With my eyes on the road,, and it in my heart


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