Imagem de capa de Rock na Lavanderia
Rock na Lavanderia

Rock na Lavanderia

Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

No Justice No Peace

Composição: Izomar Lacerda , Kaio D Hoffmann, Marcelo Spaolonse , Sidnei Vidal.
NO JUSTICE NO PEACE History repeats Itself First as tragedy then as farce. “He is a man. He is a White guy. And he think. He is the best!” No more slavery again. No justice, no peace! Riches built on worker’s blood. The price of freedom is death. All that is solid Melts into air. Really, we live in hard times. History repeats Itself First as tragedy then as farce. “The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs” No more slavery again. No justice, no peace! Riches built on worker’s blood. The price of freedom is death. All that is solid Melts into air. Really, we live in hard times.




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