Imagem de capa de Rodrigo Barros
Rodrigo Barros

Rodrigo Barros

Cidade/EstadoNova Odessa / SP

Man Of Sorrows

Composição: Matt Crocker.
Man of sorrows – Matt Crocker - 2013 Man of sorrows Lamb of God by His own betrayed The sin of man and wrath of God has been on Jesus laid Silent as He stood accused beaten mocked and scorned Bowing to the Father's will He took a crown of thorns Oh, that rugged cross my salvation Where Your love poured out over me And now my soul cries out hallelujah Praise and honor unto Thee Sent of heaven God's own Son to purchase and redeem And reconcile the very ones who nailed Him to that tree Now my debt is paid it is paid in full By the precious blood that my Jesus spilled 2x Now the curse of sin has no hold on me Whom the Son sets free oh, is free indeed See the stone is rolled away behold the empty tomb Hallelujah, God be praised He's risen from the grave




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