Imagem de capa de ROHMANELLI


EstiloPop Rock
Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC


Composição: Rohmanelli.
Welcome to my "ANOMALOUS" world... this is a strange world made of darkness, silence, music, poetry and creation, with no gender, no sex, no range, no boundaries, no stereotypes, no religions, no fear... and a lot of anarchy!!!!! Don´t ask me what I like Don´t try to understand it Don´t put me in a frame my nature is fluid Slips from your hands the more that you tighten the less you will find me Let me be what I am now what a privilege to be me and not another Let me be anomalous I don´t need to know who I am let me be anomalous you don´t need to know who I am let me be outrageous we don´t need to be all the same Let us be anomalous We don´t need to be all the same Let me be what I am now Let me be anomalous Let us be anomalous let me be anomalous we don t need to be all the same Let us be anomalous We don´t need to be all the same Let us be anomalous We don´t need to be all the same to stay in this world!




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