Imagem de capa de ROHMANELLI


EstiloPop Rock
Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

Black Christmas

Composição: Rohmanelli.
BLACK CHRISTMAS Music and Lyrics: Rohmanelli Produced by Jeronimo Gonzalez and Rohmanelli Master: Alécio Costa Art and Photo: Antonio Rossa We´re talkin’ about Black Christmas We´re talkin’ about this fuckin’ Christmas Here in my room I am thinking at you It´s Christmas night and I´m alone and happy seeing you rich and bored having dinner with all your stupid parents Black Christmas Black Christmas But I´m happy and free in this Black Christmas Black Christmas Black Christmas I dont´have a Christmas tree cause I destroyed it last year today I´m only thinking of the poor, the refugees, the bitches and the lonely people, the sicks, the homeless in the street all alone like me all alone like me they´re alone like me in this Black Christmas Black Christmas Black Christmas Black Christmas this fucking Christmas they´re alone like me alone like me on the street in this Black Christmas Black Christmas Black Christmas Black Christmas fucking Christmas Everything is so ordinary have to pretend to love each other love your mother, and your father, and your sister and your brother, and your boyfriend and your girlfriend, and your husband and your wife and your sons and all your daughters, and your grandma, and your grandpa, and all these mother mother fuckers!!! all these mother mother fuckers all these mother mother fuckers all these mother mother fuckers all these mother mother fuckers all these mother mother fuckers all these mother mother fuckers all these mother mother fuckers all these mother mother fuckers But I´m happy and free in the street always free with all the others They´re alone like me alone like me alone like me In this fucking Christmas Black Christmas Black Christmas Black Christmas fucking Christmas We´re talkin’ about Black Christmas We´re talkin’ about this fuckin’ Christmas




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