Imagem de capa de ROHMANELLI


EstiloPop Rock
Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

Words Flowing

Composição: Rohmanelli.
Words flowing I have always a special page in my creative space cause words keep flowing from my mind and I don´t know how to stop them. Once I put them on the white space they just start living really don´t know how to control it. Words flowing all over me they´re born from inside an unknown place a velvet core I´d like to be there. I have always a special need in my creative dream words keep flowing from your mouth I would like to stop it I´d rather like to hear the waving sea. Words flowing everywhere they escape from my head should I lock them in? But always have a special need try to understand them while they´re in front of me Words flowing everywhere they escape from my head should I lock them in?




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