Imagem de capa de SATURNINA


Cidade/EstadoBrasília / DF

The Problem Is The Government (DEMO)

Composição: Mia Blun.
What a freak What a disease The politicians can ruin your brain Oh, This is sick And it’s not me Wanna get away from here Hey, Hey, Hey What you want from me? Hey, Hey, Hey I’m not your family Hey, Hey I’m not your problem Your fucking problem is the government The situation is getting worse You don’t have money to eat You pay everything For this fucking system Hey, Hey, Hey What you want from me? Hey, Hey, Hey I’m not your family Hey, Hey I’m not your problem Your problem is the government And I’m not okay Hey hey I’m not okay Your problem is the government You wake up Everyday You work for the system And the politicians fuck your brain The problem is the government The fucking problem is the government You are in the system You pay for the system Politicians ruin your brain




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