Imagem de capa de SCUD


Cidade/EstadoLuís Correia / PI

Bean With Rice

Composição: SCUD.
On everywhere That scene is the same ‘Poors’ living Underneath the bridges Living of a chaotic way Begging through the streets But noon helps them Bean with rice! It’s what they need Bean with rice! It’s the necessary Bean with rice! Help them now Do you know worth human life? Know that it hasn’t price Help them, oh! Please help them Give them a little of food A little of bean with rice It’s what they really need A little of food is the necessary To stop their hunger They dream with the end of their hunger But it seems that it’s not possible Now they eat garbage on everywhere It causes deads, It causes illness Give them a little of food And see a laugh on their faces Help them, Oh! Please help them Everybody will thank you Bean with rice! It’s what they need Bean with rice! It’s the necessary Bean with rice! Help them now ‘Sinous’ present It seems like a nightmare We’re tired of all ‘that’ movie How do you wink at all ‘trat’??? Are you blind? Are you soulless? Help them Bean with rice! It’s what they need Bean with rice! It’s the necessary Bean with rice! Help them now




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