Imagem de capa de SCUD


Cidade/EstadoLuís Correia / PI


Composição: SCUD.
The human being is killing all the world And the salvation is at hand Blind by greed that lives in his hand And by the will of wanting always more Treading on everybody who’s around him Without to care for what is true Forests are burnt and seas are poisoned The air we breathe is tainted with the death Indians are being extinguished And their tales are being erased Soon, nothing will rest from us, from this That we insist to call the like SHOUT! Don’t be long to shout! Don’t be long to shout! Because if you delay to shout And staying to live like many You will be convicted to live Chainned forever In a extendless disgrace He does want more and more Without to care for what is true Turning aside money from public chest Deceiving at all barefacedly And still appears in the T.V.’S Saying that he’s not blamed SHOUT! REFRÃO SHOUT! Let’s get away from this innocence All the chains will be broken And we all live better forever TRUST! In yourself and nobody else Shout aloud and change it I assure you we’ll live better Get away from this innocence!!! The human being is killing all the world But it’s salvation is at hand You and us, all of us ought to shout For getting our freedom and respect.




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