Seventieth Blood

Seventieth Blood

Cidade/EstadoEstreito / MA

Agnostoi Theoi

Composição: Henrique Meneses.
My Kingdom is not of this world If my kyngdoom were of this world My mynystris schulden stryue What is treuthe? If thou art Jhesu Crist That is not my profesie For the Pope blessed the beeste Another says: “Amen” They nourish your starveling souls With the alms of the wretches He who heard their cogent word Has eaten the loaf of the false prophets His mouth speaks it thoughtlessly No word is spoken clearly The creator is unchurched at the gates Your faith hates my Name Prayers on my feet to the Divine I will despise Souls wander in the abysm Like vulpine sheep they lie on my ribs Burn the cross If you’re ready to believe me What is truth? Hands washed in water Dried in blood Cursed be the clergy as father What is truth? Hands dipped in water Dried in blood Damned be the clergy as father




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