Seventieth Blood

Seventieth Blood

Cidade/EstadoEstreito / MA


Composição: Henrique Meneses.
The Koine Greek summons the Hebrew Read the Septuagint, foreign King Jew Centurions circle the Septentrional Galaxy Jerusalem leaves Venus Roman roads lead it to the earth axis The arrow pierces the face sinus The proconsul goes to Pluto Zeus also failed The philosopher bestows kudos Curses of Bar-Jesus as fairy tales Lie is the essence of Christmas Gagged be Elymas Lacerated Christians Covered with the skins of beasts Nero is in heaven Holding the commencement the feasts A maelstrom of lies Exposed in nightly illumination The Praetorian Guard eats the choicest bones One by one Cleopatra still red hot mortifies the emperor Sheol carries on Just as the church gives birth to dead bodies Hypnosis leads the male son to slaughter Another Ptolemy will arise To put the cooking pot on the fire Arena of Gladiators Death slaughtered gore In Colosseum from Hades Who is your lord?




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