Seventieth Blood

Seventieth Blood

Cidade/EstadoEstreito / MA

Disciple Of Babylon

Composição: Henrique Meneses.
Nebuchadnezzar erects a statue A blasphemous symbol for all civilizations Marduk is toasting among those salute The maiden of fornication The Jewish prophet is invited to sit At the table with Magi and Anti-Christian Another captive lifted from the pit Prophesies the desolation of Eden If imagination is a God Who gives victories and another lives? If creation builds its own creator The sinners' prophecy about my divines The wise men came to celebrate The victory over Jerusalem When the guests look around to venerate it Marduk no longer exists in their presence Behold the nightjar It flies in the freedom Put the last wine in the jar Drunk by the goat-shaped demons Lucifer, your kingdom fell Cyrus is coming to kill Bel Son of the dawn How you have fallen Darius will met your crown Fall from heaven Sodom of heathens




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