Seventieth Blood

Seventieth Blood

Cidade/EstadoEstreito / MA

Funeral Games

Composição: Henrique Meneses.
Stand up please, queen mother You made no coarse mistake He is also Alexander In the dawn of divine day Salute him as such He must be honored very much The great winged leopard Rising from the shadowy depths Saddled up so the king can ride hard The other face of relentless death Creature hatched from Adam The omen against the Persians Raise the conspicuous horn, a hero The guardian of Macedonia Bow down to mighty he-goat You can’t save Memnon at Aegean Rise, rise, rise, rise again! Die, rise, die, and rise again! The well-wisher who fights All the king’s battles Seems to be ailing and tired Sheol enfetters him with its shackles Swaying the sledgehammer of death Smashing the fifth head




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