Seventieth Blood

Seventieth Blood

Cidade/EstadoEstreito / MA

Khwadāy Nāmag

Composição: Henrique Meneses.
From the mountainous plateau region To the east of Assyria Xerxes rides with his legions Hordes of the Prince of Persia Crossing the villages of Syria Uplift the scepter The hairy ram swaged on their faces Death is put in battle array The savage bear shepherds the goats With its sheepskin coats Spin the scourges of the law Running with high-laced boots Hammurabi tied at the Magus' ankle They’re the kings of Media and Persia Overpowering the province of Asia Mirror Mithra Lying to be foulest of all Mirror Mithra The truth Manifests Xerxes Artaxerxes The word is Median The truth is Persian Ahasuerus Darius The inviolability of the law Keep the virginity raw




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