Seventieth Blood

Seventieth Blood

Cidade/EstadoEstreito / MA

Lions' Den

Composição: Henrique Meneses.
Welcome to my hunger games I built a pillar with deformed faces Over against his city gate I flayed all the insurgent chief men So that mothers mourn For their children I covered the pillar with their skins I roasted their Intestines for Pigs Some I walled up within the pillar And with his milled bones I towed the cellar From others I cut off their noses Their eyes and ears I jabbed their hearts with three spears I made one pillar of the living And another of heads All the sadistic gods celebrated War is what we preach I bound their heads to trunks Sorry loggers, I couldn’t shun it I burned in the fire The maidens' lewd relic Twenty men I captured alive And I immured them in his palace The rest of men The last and the first I consumed with thirst In the desert of the Euphrates I spread their corpses Around their gates Kingdoms and beasts Impaled upon the pillar on stakes Severed limbs eaten by priests Before they rest in the grave Death sworn by the priest of war Blood and wealth looters I brought men With hooks on their nose and lips Taken as captives I am the fearsome hunter Seeking the Shamash-shum-ukin’s soldiers Then your God’s seers Open the book of saints Nineveh’s aflame Who can stand? From some I cut off their hands And their fingers I gave their throats to my singers Destructor or martyr Destructors march Destroy man Destructor or martyr Destructors march Destroy men Destructor or martyr Destructors combat Slaughtering men Destructor or martyr Destructor combat Slaving men There was no further distinction Between the living and the dead All covered under my compassion Chosen for a profane blessing Destructor or martyr Attacking the Earth Destroy man Destructor or martyr Attacking the Earth Destroying men




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