Seventieth Blood

Seventieth Blood

Cidade/EstadoEstreito / MA

Zeal For My Throne

Composição: Henrique Meneses.
Adverse swords shed bloody glory Baal’s emptiness, idly sacrificial Baal is busy, it's sorry Warring states trial 18 years of Seasonal campaigning of a gory career 13 years of gore Eating the torment of Shalmaneser Tyre fell. Mammon is razed Altars of pride in blaze Every head was rubbed bald Every shoulder was pealed bare Death The warriors listen to it talk The wage for sin is fair Leper swords shed violent gore Baal's spandrels have been torn Slain war priest If the Assyrians give up the siege Can the damned feel free? Awakens another Jehovah’s servant Destroying the immortal man Eat at ease Savor the delicacies of Egypt This is your salary O vassal king There’ll not be in the king’s shield Another Tetragrammaton With such a predictions ability Get this wisdom But it is too much for thee




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