

Cidade/EstadoNatal / RN

The wild spirit

Composição: Ivanaldo/Carleton/Ney/Páris.
Now you are what you want Wanto to do, to be the one One man, one girl, one destiny The sword you keep is in your mind Mind of raw trues or sweetest lies Lies you listen and can see Run to your life, run to the top You don't know the real fire Na what we've got Wild spirit, you wanna be Wild spirit, you've got to be free Someone said you to say goodbye Goodbye is a word you to say when die Die for a fair fight, a fair reason They don't know a better way to be wild Wild to live in action without a crime Crime is nothing, try a new season Run to your life, run to the top You don't know the real fire Na what we've got Wild spirit, you wanna be Wild spirit, you've got to be free




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