Silvio Sodré

Silvio Sodré

Cidade/EstadoBrasília / DF

Love Waves

Composição: Sérgio Pacheco e Silvio Sodré.
Love Waves (Sérgio Pacheco e Silvio Sodré) When the ship left on And my name you asked me It was starting on A love story on the sea I looked at your face With your hair flying On the best place Behind you love wave stream When we looked at the dusk Diving the sun at the sea line I whispered “no fear Another day the sun will The sun will shine” But the ship goes back In my heart wrong way Now the night is black And there’s no another day Tell me where my fingers Without your body go Tell me why the ocean Is in my eyes ‘cause I don’t know Anywhere I look at the sea With full moon above the way I will see your face And behind you, behind you, Behind You, Behind you, Behind you the love waves




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