Imagem de capa de Social Freak
Social Freak

Social Freak

Cidade/EstadoVitória da Conquista / BA

Don't Pay Attention On Us

Composição: Yhalú Martins, Leonardo Araújo, Igor Gabriel, Danilo Dantas, Duda Santana..
For the freakers in this world In every day when I wake up to this battle A half-cup of pure coffee trying feed my mood better Anger, hate, and nothing more to eat Another day is coming to survive of crumbs This muthafuckin' pigs! Muthafuckin' pigs! The eyes that follow me on the side Are the same they keeps then blind Emptiness take the consciousness In the sage comes dumb Muthafuckin' pigs! Muthafuckin' pigs! The government make it to the see them Hear them, and watch them Eating all this bullshit During years and years Propaganda as propaganda Selling your life Your flesh, your hungry Your mind, your crumbs Your skin, your fear Your car, you! Don't pay attention on us We are the worst, the scorn of the earth We are the cancer in your system of life The pain that I won't price Conduction of the consciousness on mind Day by day Selfship for a price That I would never pay The same happens in the real condition You're programmed to live in a prision All that you are It's only a piece The dead matter Snail of the casket All programmed, all controlled Like a pumpet in the hand of the boss Who pay the price? Animal consumes Your casket will exploid, maggots protected you! This song it's for all the hypocrites All the politicians, all kinds of opression We are a Social Freak and we gonna burn all of you!




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