Imagem de capa de Social Freak
Social Freak

Social Freak

Cidade/EstadoVitória da Conquista / BA

You Are Killing Me

Composição: Social Freak.
When I arrive I am well when leaving is not quite so But then I realize who I am The same man that was a time But that is still alive But maybe one day reach his death You are killing me, you are killing me girl Because it can't be just me and you? You are killing me, you are killing me girl What's going on? Never let me go My confused mind Shaking my head, to stop So what's wrong with you? My heart began to burn As the fire burns the coal So what's wrong with you? You are killing me, you are killing me girl Because it can't be just me and you? You are killing me, you are killing me girl What's going on? Never let me go You are killing me, you are killing me girl Because it can't be just me and you? You are killing me, you are killing me girl What's going on? Never let me go




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